The Constant Economy. How we can make the world better by Zac Goldsmith
The King's Speech. The story of the King that inspired the movie.
101 Things I Learned in Architecture School. I wish I had this book when I was at university.
Timpson's England, Weird and strange architecture, sites and pubs.
Haunted London Underground. Stories of ghostly happenings in the Underground.
Brideshead Revisited. No explanation. Purchased at Castle Howard.
The Sloane Ranger Handbook. A collection of articles form Harpers and Queen Magazine compiled into a book. From 1982.
Mr. Classic. A collection of writings from Jeremy Hackett made into a book with great photographs of classic clothes. From 2006.
Anglomania. From the exhibit of the same name at the Met during 2006. British fashion.
Cooler, Faster, More Expensive. The return of the Sloane Ranger and the change after 25 years from the first book. From 2007.