An "Eco Sloane" meeting his idol. (I cut myself out, you can only see the edge of my Barbour and New & Lingwood jumper).
I met Zac Goldsmith in November in 2009 in Barnes. He was basically talking about where he stands and then took questions from the residents. He was up against Susan Kramer, the then Lib. Dem MP for Richmond Park. He spoke so well, and was solid candidate for the MP seat for Richmond Park and North Kingston, (Conservative).
He supports small shops, protection for green spaces, and wants to move towards a green economy. He is just all over amazing. Plus, he recycles his father's Savile Row suits and always looks smart. He drives a Prius, and owns an organic farm in Devon.
After the meeting, I went up to speak to him. I was very nervous, he is one of my idols, I basically said how much I supported his views and that he was amazing. I know it sounds cliche, but I was overcome with joy when I shook his hand and talked to him. After the meeting, I really felt like I was floating on air, I basically floated all the way over Hammersmith Bridge. Of course, he won the seat of MP for Richmond Park and North Kingston.
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